
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Choosing happiness.

Choosing your attitude. I'm trying to teach Carmen and Lilah that their attitude is their decision. 

A few nights ago, I was trying to get Carmen to read a picture book for class. I asked her to turn the tv off and WWIII started in my house. A huge open mouthed cry.  I've been trying to figure out how to teach her that we don't have to have a huge reaction to tiny things. If she always cries like she is going to die, I'll never know if something is really wrong. It's all about choosing your own reaction.

Along the same lines, I am trying to teach her that she needs to empathize with others and understand social cues. Maybe I am pushing too hard but I want her to understand that everyone has feelings, even the person who takes her order when we are out. Taking a little extra time to say please and thank you when ordering are small things that can make a huge difference in the way someone perceives you. I always make it a point to say "have a great day" to the barista or ask the person fixing my phone how their day is.

As parents we put a lot of pressure on our selves to raise perfect children. I know I am not perfect and my children won't be, but I'd love to give her the backing to be as perfect as she wants to be.

James is getting so big!
Matching outfits from grammy.
This girl makes me laugh ... often!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Coming clean to our pediatrician. Co-sleeping and why I do it.

Finally with the third kid, I came clean to our pediatrician. I co-sleep with my baby.

First let me say, I love our pediatrician. She is amazing and supportive. 

I had taken James to the doctor because at night I could hear that he was having acid re-flux problems. When I was describing when and how it sounded, I fessed up to the naughty co-sleeping. If you have a baby or have had a baby, you know your doctor asks about sleeping arrangements. I've always lied and said our baby sleeps in their own bed. I just didn't find it relevant enough to have a conversation with my doctor around my choice as a mom. 

I completely believe in sharing a bed with my babies. I've read a lot of articles around the pros and cons of it and I believe that you are more in tune with your baby, their breathing, sleeping and heart rate when you co-sleep. To each their own on this subject though. Parenting is full of choices and everyone makes their own decisions on what is best for them.

Why am I writing about this? Last night I tried to have James sleep in his crib and it broke my heart. He woke up every few hours and neither of us were happy about it. So tonight as I write this he is back in my bed getting some love and snuggles from me. 

There is no better feeling than snuggling with your kids no matter the age. Carmen and Lilah both love to snuggle and I hope they never get too old for it. 

All of us snuggled in bed watching a movie.